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- The line 'stack 410000' must be entered before "ImU" is run. This is because
- "ImU" reads the entire diskette image into memory when it starts and because
- the Pascal compiler used allocates all data areas used on the stack.
- Usage:
- "ImU" = Display directory listing of image file named via console prompt
- "ImU ifN" = Display directory listing of "ifN"
- "ImU ifN -x afN" = Extract "afN" from "ifN"
- "ImU ifN -xt afN" = '-x' plus translate 'EOL'
- "ImU ifN -i fN" = Insert "fN" into "ifN" (Not yet implemented)
- "ImU ifN -it fN" = '-i' plus translate 'EOL' (Not yet implemented)
- "ImU ifN -d afN" = Delete "afN" from "ifN" (Not yet implemented)
- "ImU ifN -r" = Reorder "ifN" creating "ifN.ro"
- "ImU ifN -r ofN" = Reorder "ifN" creating "ofN"
- "ImU ifN -c" = Convert bit image "ifN" to sector image "ifN.si"
- "ImU ifN -c ofN" = Convert bit image "ifN" to sector image "ofN"
- The filename can include a path to another directory but the total number
- of characters in the path/file name should not exceed 30 due to a problem in
- the Pascal compiler used to compile "ImU".
- If the size of 'ifN' is not 143360, it is assumed that the file is a bit
- image file used by "Apple on Amiga". If the size is 143360, it may be either
- a 'ProDOS order' (PO) or a 'DOS3.3 order (DO) sector image file. Please note
- that the order of the sectors in a sector image file is NOT related to the
- operating system contained in a sector image file. So it is possible for a
- 'ProDOS order' sector image file to contain an image of a DOS 3.3 diskette.
- Or for a 'DOS33 order' sector image file to contain an image of a ProDOS
- diskette.
- If 'afN' (the name of the file to be extracted from the image) contains
- one or more spaces, then 'afN' must be enclosed in apostrophes or quotes.
- "ImU" will generate directory listings that closely match those produced
- by the native Apple ][ operating system that created the original diskette.
- "ImU" can display the directories of DOS 3.3, UCSD Pascal and ProDOS diskette
- images. It will display both directories if the image is of a diskette that
- contains a combination of DOS 3.3 with either UCSD Pascal or ProDOS. "ImU"
- will NOT recognize images of CP/M diskettes.